Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My favorite kind of days


I want these, like, now.


I haven't updated in like two months because my laptop was killed. I can't believe I've gone this long without regular access to a computer. Thank god for smart phones.

Some news:
I started school about a month ago. I had to register on the very last day because I was waiting on finding some income before I started even thinking about paying for books and tuition but I talked myself into borrowing the money from my wonderfully helpful dad and managed to enroll for two classes, Mass Communications and Archaeology. Both are super cool classes and contain information I could certainly find a way to use in the future, especially if I end up pursuing this travel writer dream of mine.

I started a new job about two weeks ago. I'm working with Save the Children to put an end to child poverty in the United States and all around the world. I work with 7 or 8 other canvassers in Austin and we go to different areas of the UT campus, ACC Rio Grande, and Texas State spreading awareness and gaining support for disaster relief and our child sponsor programs. Its an amazingly rewarding job but it's also pretty difficult having to stand outside all day trying to convince poor college students why they should care. Luckily its a cause that's difficult to oppose and if people have the resources, they'll usually donate what they can.

I've been playing a million and one shows with MaryAnn and the Revival Band and they've all gone over great. We've been having such a blast. When October rolls around, we're going to play fewer shows and start recording some songs and come out with an EP or perhaps a full length album. I'm really looking forward to taking some time off to record and write new songs.

A week from Thursday, I'm driving up to Ames, Iowa to spend the weekend with Chip, one of my absolute best friends whom I met on the Disney College Program in the spring. It'll have been 5 months since we've seen each other and I cannot wait to have a nice vacation just kicking back and having a good time. Our mutual Disney friend Lauren just spent the weekend with me here in Austin for her birthday and it was amazing. Its so strange and wonderful how you can go without seeing someone for months but the second you're back in the same room together, things just fall right back into place.