Friday, December 3, 2010


I've been so busy lately. First I got really sick and was pretty much asleep for a whole week, and now the semester is ending so I've been busy with papers and studying. In between all of that, I've taken breaks to pretty much buy postcards and stamps and go dancing.

First off, I really need to find somewhere in Austin where I can buy cool postcards. These are from the Barnes and Noble here and they were literally all they had. Thank goodness they were cool looking because I needed a bunch of postcards as I had fallen behind and didn't have any going through the mail.

From a set of historical photos of Round Rock, the neighboring town ten minutes from me. I also bought sets of classic cartoon stamps and western film superstars. 

Now that I have a steady paycheck again, I'm trying to treat myself to going out more often. I need nights to go out and blow off steam or my stress levels get ridiculous. I think a lot of it comes from being a Sagittarius, haha. I've been going out dancing with my friend Serena a bunch and it makes me so happy. This bar downtown, on Thursday nights, plays all oldies and the dance floor is packed. Its pretty amazing. Of course, I work at 8 am on Fridays so I'm pretty exhausted all day but with a nap after work and a persevering attitude, its totally worth it. I just need a job where I get to have a three day weekend. Then my problems would be solved I think. haha.

Serena and I getting our dance on Thanksgiving night

In addition to dancing, earlier this week Kevin and I went to see one of his co-worker's band play at this tiny honky tonk. They played classic country, a ton of Hank Williams and Conway Twitty. It was so fun.

And for the past few days and in the few days to come, I'm dogsitting for one of my mom's friends. I can't get enough of this freaking dog. He's such a grumpy old man, I love him

Tomorrow night, Kevin and I are going to see Justin Townes Earle! I'm so pumped. It's going to be amazing. <333

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