Thursday, November 11, 2010

First Postcrossing Card!


I received my first Postcrossing postcard in the mail.

And... where is it from? Only 30 minutes away from my second home Walt Disney World, hahah.

Its a lovely map of Florida and will go perfectly with all the other maps of Florida in my room. Its almost too perfect how well it all goes together.

My first Postcrossing Postcard! From Ocala, Florida. In the background, whats been on my wall since May. haha.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marina, how fun it was to stumble across your blog! I'm excited to send you some typical French images through postcrossing and to keep reading about your adventures on blogspot. Even if it doesn't seem like much, just think about when I get HOMESICK and all I want is a good American nothing-to-do-today day! Also, don't fret: we can always trade lives for a day through postcrossing :) Talk to you soon!
