Thursday, November 18, 2010

Texas Renaissance Festival - The Fair

Sunday morning we packed everything up and put it in the car and drove over to the fair grounds a few blocks away. First thing we did when we entered the fair was to find the elephants and ride them. Of course they were on the polar opposite side of the fair but after having put it off last time we were there and then not getting to ride them because of the rain, we were determined to get there and get it done. It was awesomeee. This tiny little six year old boy wanted to ride and couldn't ride by himself so he rode with us on our elephant. Poor kid couldn't decide whether he was excited or terrified and held onto my arms the whole time. The elephant ride was exactly how you'd expect it to be: high up in the air, wobbly, epic, and wonderful. He felt like fuzzy leather but we pet him anyway. haha.

After we knocked out the elephant ride, we just wandered around looking at stuff. Kevin and I tried our hand at a slew of different weaponry. I was really hoping that I would have some unknown natural talent but no such luck. Kevin, on the other hand, is pretty much good at everything. I guess classical weapons are easier to handle if you're a giant man as opposed to a little girl like myself. haha. That's what I'm convincing myself of. 

Long bows. I hit the ceiling twice and the target a total of zero times.

Shelby and Caegan being cute as all get up

Crossbows! Kevin hit the target and got a sticker that says "Crossbow Expert".

He then threw axes and hit the target and got the card you see below.

Can you tell he was excited?
After games, we ate gyros in the Greek section of the fair, watched jousting in the arena, and then split up to play more games and see more shows. Like this crazy Treebeard looking guy.

We stayed in the fair until a little while after dark and after a rainstorm, then watched the fireworks and headed back to the car to make the tired drive back to Austin. We got home, dropped Shelby and Caegan off and wished them fun and good luck on their two and a half month trip to Southeast Asia that they were embarking on a few weeks later! (PS: Send me postcards Shelby!)

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